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The EcoXpert podcast channel gives you the latest information about how technology is shaping the way we are using, designing, and controlling energy usage in buildings to create more efficient and comfortable environments. Hear the latest news and ideas about how you can improve the use of energy in your buildings.
Sustainability is in Schneider Electric’s DNA. We speak to the digital, energy and automation giants of the MEA region about why it believes an all-digital, all-electric world is required for a smarter and greener future. Discover why sustainable energy is so important, and why every enterprise needs to help in order to build a sustainable world for future generations.
Watch our NEW EcoXpert overview video to discover what makes the global program so unique and learn how our trained and certified partners are bringing Buildings of the Future to life for our shared customers.
Launched by Schneider Electric and Temasek, GreeNext, a sustainable and resilient Energy-as-a-Service solution allows customers to access lower electricity costs, more resilient and cleaner energy supply, without complex energy setups or investments.
Our newest open, integrated building management platform’s new features and benefits provide even more access to information, increased performance and efficiency, and enhanced cybersecurity and compliance.
Learn more in the online launch kit! ›
With a focus on our vision for Buildings of the Future, this year’s EcoXpert brand ambassadors are bringing great visibility to their businesses by collaborating and cobranding with us to tell our story, in addition to boosting the credibility and awareness of the EcoXpert program and the value-add it brings.
Access exclusive EcoXpert content and resources including newsletters, podcasts, sales and marketing material, new product updates, and more – developed to help you unleash your growth potential as an EcoXpert partner.
Visit the EcoXpert Corner on Exchange ›
Our newest open, integrated building management platform now features:
EcoStruxure Building Operation 2022 features the first phase of an engineering modernization process to enable EcoXperts to engineer and commission faster, including Builder for Function Block, a greatly enhanced, integrated, and efficient function block program editor. Learn about this and other features in our new offer!
What are the elements of a future-proof BMS and why are they relevant for your customers? What are the risks of not upgrading outdated platforms? What does the 3-step modernization journey look like? Read about this and much more in our new BMS Modernization eGuide!
For customers with smaller sites, the Security Expert SP-C-WEB is the central processing unit responsible for the management and configuration of access control and intrusion detection systems, all without the need for an additional server. This update to the SP-C-WEB software provides several security, user interface, and alarm management enhancements.
The success of Security Expert relies on the ongoing efforts to simplify our existing product portfolio. Schneider Electric is pleased to announce a transition path for customers of the ESMIKKO access control system to Security Expert. At the same time, Schneider Electric announces the End of Commercialization (EoC) of the Esmikko access product family.
Esmikko Access customers can read more about their options here ›
The end of 2021 saw additional security enhancements to the Security Expert Mobile Credential portal, a new integration to the Idemia family of biometric readers and a maintenance release to the Security Expert client/server and SP-C firmware. All of which make it easier for EcoXperts to provide a customized solution & excellent service to their customers.
The new KNX Air Quality Multi-sensor is a powerful device including temperature, humidity, CO2, and atmospheric pressure sensors. In addition, it includes a powerful KNX application program to optimize HVAC control including temperature & humidity control, air quality and dew point alarming, and air pressure sensor to control two different VAV controllers that can be managed separately from a single device.
Are you tired of reading application notes when you want to quickly implement a new solution? In addition to application notes we now have application videos available exclusively for our EcoXperts to help you configure, integrate and sell our solutions! Check out the Applications section on our Extranet and explore the new application videos!
Watch the Bacnet Client Configuration video ›
Watch the Sonos Integration video ›
Integrating third party IoT devices to our Spacelogic KNX system opens endless possibilities to deliver on your customer’s needs. We are proud to be the first KNX manufacturer to make our KNX IoT API available only to our EcoXperts. If you are interested in getting the API please email:
PM8000 and ION7400 now can be used in billing applications throughout Europe. We have achieved this by following the latest Welmec Guide 11.8 for the auxiliary power source meters.
Updates in the associated references
Sealing covers; Power-up Alarm; Revised Installation Guides.
Start your 2022 Digital transformation journey today with Schneider Electric!
This catalog will help end-users or partners to build their Medium Voltage Network.
According to a Guidehouse Insights survey of over 600 healthcare facility executives worldwide, 80% are familiar with the benefits of IoT technologies, but only half of them implemented it over the past year. How can you overcome IoT adoption barriers?
Download Guidehouse's research report IoT and the Future of Healthcare to find out.
Read at The Pharma Letter about new developments, business intelligence, comment and analysis for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and generics sectors of the health care industry.
Damien Dhellemmes, SVP of Schneider Electric’s Digital Energy Commercial Organization, discusses how this Hyatt Regency location embraced modernization and smart building technology through EcoStruxure Asset Advisor.
AZZO, a Critical Power EcoXpert, and Schneider Electric partnered to deliver reliability and sustainability for this distribution and marketing hub for fresh fruit and vegetables.
Mas Otomasyon, a Master EcoXpert, and Schneider Electric delivered a new energy-efficient system that adapts to changes quickly and easily without compromising patients' comfort and care.
Dave Chan, Chief Executive of Information, Communications, and Building Technologies at ATAL Engineering, a Master-level BMS EcoXpert discusses the 6 factors impacting ROI for building management system modernization.
Jason Heindel, Solutions Architect at AZZO, a Master-level Critical Power EcoXpert, discusses how portable metering not only measures energy consumption, but also helps to detect power quality problems such as harmonics and voltage spikes.
Jérémy Dréan, Managing Director at Automatique & Industrie, a certified BMS and Critical Power EcoXpert discusses 3 ways IoT is influencing the way smart buildings operate.
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