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This paper offers electrical design engineers a guide to the most relevant, up-to-date standards and technology to help specify and design future-proof electrical systems that deliver optimal energy efficiency throughout the entire building life cycle. Green, energy-efficient building design and operation is becoming common worldwide. This is being driven by international agreements to combat climate change, evolving country-based standards and regulations, and increasing demand by building owners. Designers need to be prepared to deliver electrical system designs that comply with the newest building codes, help achieve green building certifications, and support ‘active’ energy management programs compliant with global best practices.
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Generally the Oil & Gas infrastructure is designed to import power from the grid depending on several factors and it is necessary to have a mechanism to ensure power balance with faster response in improving the system stability. It is essential to analyze issues of dynamic performance for infrastructures with embedded power generation and apply modern approaches to ensure the availability of power to key electrical processes under various contingencies. This paper discusses the need of tools for operating time performance estimation of an Ethernet based 61850 system during design of EMCS for large Oil & Gas refineries. We discuss an intelligence based model that works on Pre-selection computation based approach to identify contingencies that improve the dynamic performance of the system and maintain balance between Generation & Load. The paper illustrates the results of the proposed model based on a simulation environment with a simple power system network.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power Management,Energy Automation,whitepaper_filter
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Historically, protection and control (P&C) schemes relied on hardwired connections between Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). This approach makes correcting, modifying, and updating the P&C logic difficult. Using Ethernet in lieu of hardwiring and the IEC 61850 standard’s GOOSE messaging have simplified engineering changes. This paper discusses the pros and cons of two Ethernet protocols for GOOSE messaging — Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol (HSR) — and strategies for using them in P&C schemes.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power Management,Energy Automation,whitepaper_filter
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Independent report on the first version of “CO2 Impact Methodology: Saved and Avoided Emissions by Schneider Electric Offers” dated June 30th, 2019.
Keywords: White Paper,English,French,Energy Efficiency & Sustainability,whitepaper_filter
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ISO 50001 allows business leaders to establish a practice around the use of energy that reduces business risk and improves productivity and operations.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Buildings,Energy Efficiency & Sustainability,Industry,whitepaper_filter
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Analytics-Enabled by Waveform Analysis
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Waveform analysis has long been a useful tool for troubleshooting power-quality events within a facility’s electrical system. Waveform captures, taken during anomalous power events, provide clues to an events’ causes, frequency, and their effects.
Interpreting waveform captures used to be the job of experienced power systems engineers. Today, though, non-engineers often are called on to understand their meanings. Doing so successfully requires an understanding of the ways various disturbances can present themselves during a captured event.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power Management,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,whitepaper_filter
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The architecture described in this document has been fully tested and validated in our laboratories using all the specific devices and accessories references available all along this document. Of course, your specific application requirements may be different and will require additional and/or different components. In this case, information provided in this document shall to be adapted to your specific needs. To do so, you will need to consult the specific product documentation of the components that you are substituting in this architecture. Pay attention in conforming to any safety information, different electrical requirements and normative standards that would apply to your adaptation. It should be noted that there are some major components in the architecture described in this document that cannot be substituted without completely invalidating the architecture, descriptions, instructions, wiring diagrams and compatibility between the various software / firmware and hardware components specified herein. You must be aware of the consequences of component substitution in the architecture described in this document as substitutions may impair the compatibility and interoperability of software and hardware.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power Management,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,whitepaper_filter
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Today, the pressure is on enterprises to meet environmental targets. The prospect of losing business if sustainability objectives are not met is very real. This is leading to a future where top environmental performers will become market leaders. To remain competitive, companies need to produce goods in an energy efficient manner. This paper examines industrial efficiency improvement measures that focus on equipment, process, and people.
Keywords: English,Industry,White Paper,Power Management,Energy Efficiency & Sustainability,whitepaper_filter
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Voltage Sag Analysis and Load Loss Detection
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This paper discusses the impacts of voltage events such as sags/dips and short interruptions related to power quality issues. Whether originating at the utility or inside an end user’s facility, it is important to understand operational impacts, and to differentiate nuisance events from disruptive events. Ascertaining the level of impact from voltage events allows easier prioritizing of alarms, creating and trending historical effects from disruptive perturbations, and determining locations and sizes of mitigation equipment.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power Management,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,whitepaper_filter
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Smart Grids are electricity networks that use digital technology to co-ordinate the needs and capabilities of all generators, grid operators, end users and electricity market stakeholders in such a way that it can optimize asset utilization and operation while maintaining system reliability, resilience and stability. However, Smart Grids are increasingly proposing a much more distributed architecture with the integration of multiple Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) that demand different control and protection schemes. In that sense, the implementation of standards such as IEC 61850 and the integration with Ethernet-based communication networks provide novel tools to manage DER efficiently. This paper analyses the potential usage and benefits of ANSI 67/67N protection in combination with Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) communication service, from the standard 61850 of the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), for providing adaptive network protection, specifying the configuration and implementation and exposing the obtained results.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power & Grid,Microgrids,Power Management,Energy Automation,whitepaper_filter
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Most public, commercial, and industrial buildings are not energy efficient, representing an enormous untapped potential for decarbonization and sustainability efforts, as well as utility bill savings. Power digitalization plays a foundational role in active energy management and efficient facility operations. For existing buildings, this can be done by retrofitting electrical systems with smart devices and using energy and power management software that improves energy efficiency and reduces risk. This power digitalization investment helps facility management and maintenance personnel make better decisions, resolve issues more quickly, minimize downtime, and use less energy. In this paper, we define power digitalization for buildings, and describe a 3-step process to achieve it.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Buildings,Industry,Power Management,Energy Efficiency & Sustainability,whitepaper_filter
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Many commercial property owners view energy as a costly and seemingly unmanageable expense. Enterprise energy management technology—metering and software, for example—provides actionable intelligence that allows property managers to view fixed, variable, and exceptional energy use in financial terms. This paper examines strategies for reducing energy bills, allocating energy expenses equitably among tenants (sub-billing), shadow metering, and expansion planning.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Buildings,Power Management,Industry,Energy Efficiency & Sustainability,whitepaper_filter
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Smart grid implementation is facilitated by multi-source energy systems development, i.e., microgrids, which are considered the key smart grid building blocks. Whether they are alternative current (AC) or direct current (DC), high voltage or low voltage, high power or small power, integrated into the distribution system or the transmission network, multi-source systems always require an intelligent energy management that is integrated into the power system. A comprehensive intelligent energy system aims at providing overall energy eciency with regard to the following: increased power generation flexibility, increased renewable generation systems, improved energy consumption, reduced CO2 emission, improved stability, and minimized energy cost. This Special Issue presents recent key theoretical and practical developments that concern the models, technologies, and flexible solutions to facilitate the following optimal energy and power flow strategies: the techno-economic model for optimal sources dispatching (mono and multi-objective energy optimization), real-time optimal scheduling, and real time optimization with model predictive control.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power & Grid,Microgrids,Power Management,Energy Automation,whitepaper_filter
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This case study describes the implementation of new technology and Active Harmonic Filters at the Ford Silverton Plant in order to reduce direct and indirect costs that are caused by harmonic pollution on the electrical power system.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Industry,Power Management,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,whitepaper_filter
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Smarter Metering - New Technologies for T&D Networks
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“Smart metering” has demonstrated how advances in technology may be used to solve a utility's changing needs in a dynamic market- place. But where smart metering is effective at the end-customer metering point, new technologies in multifunction “smarter meters” provide a broader range of benefits at any metering point within a utility network.
This paper describes how new communications technologies — including local mastering, gateway functionality, web-based presentment, e-mail data transfers and Ethernet support of SCADA protocols — have been used by power utilities around the world to provide integrated network control and monitoring. With these technologies, communications costs to remote substations are drastically reduced while still increasing the number of monitored points and improving network awareness. It is shown how these communication links can provide billing data, operational data to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, and regulatory- compliant power quality information so that the needs of multiple departments are met within a single device.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power Management,Power & Grid,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,whitepaper_filter
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The digital transformation era is impacting all industries as organizations are leveraging technology to drive new innovation, improve business agility, and streamline operations. IDC recognizes that forward-thinking organizations understand the connection between the optimization of their facility and achieving the broader goals of cybersecurity and physical security, sustainability, and operational efficiency.
The rapid pace of changes in technology, ongoing budgetary challenges, and a scarcity of talent are leading organizations to leverage service partners that can deliver the expertise and guidance in organizations’ transformation journey. Digital transformation is to be undertaken with deliberate considerations to minimize the exposure to risk and maximize the potential for success.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Power Management,Electrical Safety,Asset Management & Maintenance,Energy Efficiency & Sustainability,whitepaper_filter
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Fundamental changes in switchgear design now lower LV and MV distribution lifecycle costs and decrease carbon footprint. As aging switchgear continually increases support costs, safety exposures and downtime, the new generation of “connected” technologies enable new digital concepts such as predictive maintenance and remote monitoring. The combination of smart sensors and digital services now allow for higher systems availability and decreased support costs. This paper illustrates best practices for digital-driven switchgear modernization and offers advice for environmentally responsible switchgear technology transitions.
Keywords: English,Electrical Safety,Power Management,White Paper,Asset Management & Maintenance,Energy Efficiency & Sustainability,whitepaper_filter
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February 2006 - The massive electric power blackout in the northeastern U.S. and Canada on August 14-15, 2003 catalyzed discussions about modernizing the U.S. electricity grid. Industry sources suggested that investments of $50 to $100 billion would be needed. This work seeks to better understand an important piece of information that has been missing from these discussions: what do power interruptions and fluctuations in power quality (power-quality events) cost electricity consumers? We developed a bottom-up approach for assessing the cost to U.S. electricity consumers of power interruptions and power-quality events (referred to collectively as “reliability events”). The approach can be used to help assess the potential benefits of investments in improving the reliability of the grid. We developed a new estimate based on publicly available information, and assessed how uncertainties in these data affect this estimate using sensitivity analysis.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Healthcare,Buildings,Industry,Power & Grid,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,Power Management,whitepaper_filter
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This report describes a monitoring program designed to characterize power quality levels on electric distribution systems. The monitoring program is being sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute. Initial stages of the project resulted in the development of a new power quality monitoring instrument - the BMI 8010 PQNode. This instrument permits simultaneous monitoring of steady-state quantities (rms voltage and current, harmonic distortion levels, power factor, etc.) and disturbances (voltage sags, overvoltages, transients, etc.).
Keywords: English,White Paper,Healthcare,Buildings,Industry,Power & Grid,Power Management,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,whitepaper_filter
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The quality of electricity service required by customers of all classes is increasing. This requirement for increasing quality is due to many factors, including increasing sensitivity of the devices used by customers and their awareness of the impacts of small variations in the quality of the electricity supply. In the early 1990s, EPRI initiated a project called the Distribution Power Quality (DPQ) Project, which resulted in power quality monitoring at 277 distribution sites statistically chosen throughout the United States to gain valuable knowledge regarding the frequency and severity of power quality events. This report presents the finding of a follow-on project, referred as DPQ II, which was conducted in 2001 and 2002. This project resulted in characterizing power quality in terms of short-duration variations such as voltage sags, voltage swells, and voltage interruptions. The characterization was based on analysis of data from 480 power quality monitors at different locations in a power system spanninga date range from August 30, 1993 through December 12, 2002. The results of the analysis that are presented in this report provide a unique opportunity to understand the electrical environment in terms of short-duration variations and further validate the findings of DPQ I.
Keywords: English,White Paper,Healthcare,Buildings,Industry,Power & Grid,Power Management,Power Quality Monitoring & Analysis,whitepaper_filter
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